Cpu z memory speed
Cpu z memory speed

cpu z memory speed

You can find the memory bus speed, as well. Detailed specs of the motherboard should include the front-side bus speed, measured in MHz. Locate the model number of your computer's motherboard and search for the manufacturer and model number on the Internet. To determine the front-side bus speed on your computer, there are two primary options: Motherboard documentation But generally speaking, a faster bus means a faster computer. That works up to a point and can't make up for slow processors. In general, the faster the bus speed, the faster the computer. The Northbridge "bridges" the gap between the CPU and RAM and the two communicate via the two buses. The front-side bus is what connects the computer processor (CPU) to the Northbridge, which then connects to the computer memory ( RAM) via the memory bus.

cpu z memory speed

When discussing bus speed, the front-side bus is what is being referred to, but another important bus speed reference is the memory bus.

Cpu z memory speed